Conference on the reorganisation of three pilot ministries organised by the EU funded project “Support to State Reorganisation”

On 17 November 2022, the EU funded project “Support to State Reorganisation in the Republic of North Macedonia” organised a Conference titled FIRST STEPS TO STATE REORGANIZATION. The conference was attended by high-level officials, including the Vice Prime Minister and the EU Ambassador who opened the conference.  The project experts presented the recommendations on reorganization of the three pilot ministries: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy and Ministry of Information Society and Administration, followed by a panel discussion of the ministers of the pilot ministries and the Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation, Mr. Steffen Hudolin.


Ambassador David Geer, Head of the Delegation to the European Union, pointed out that efficient state institutions are of key importance for the development of any country and especially for the delivery of services to citizens. They will also be essential to this country’s progress on its path to the EU.


The piloting phase of the project follows after analyses have been conducted on all 17 ministries to determine how they could be reorganized to enhance policy management, accountability, supervision, and control under a unified framework. This reorganization aims to establish a clear structure and streamline budgeting processes. The practice of creating independent institutions outside the legal framework will be discontinued, ending the creation of institutions and agencies through special laws. Instead, all functions will be governed by a single law, introducing a completely new architecture and structure for state administration. This will make the government more economical, efficient, responsible, and accountable to citizens.