Evaluation of the HRD Programme






EU Structural funds


EUR 224 000

Evaluation of the achievement of the strategic and specific objectives of the “Human Resources Development

“Evaluation of the achievement of the strategic and specific objectives of the “Human Resources Development” Operational Programme within the 2007 – 2010 period”, under project BG051PO001-8.1.04 "Support to the General Directorate “European Funds, International Programmes and Projects” of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy for the management of “Human Resources Development” Operational Programme , co-financed by the European Social Fund Objectives of the project evaluation: Improving the quality of programmes implemented; Improving the programming process aiming at the achievement of the HRD OP strategic and specific objectives; Acquisition of a comprehensive vision for the future development of the HRD OP, based on the detailed analysis of the achievements to date. The expected results of the evaluation can be presented as follows: Study and analysis of the different effects of the programmes and activities, cofinanced by the ESF; Satisfaction of the needs of the final recipients and interested organizations and institutions (current expectations and those that might occur in the future); Providing information to support decision making by the Monitoring Committee, Managing Authority and Intermediate Bodies; Recommendations for reallocation of resources between the priority axes; Recommendations and concrete measures to improve the system of indicators.